The River Training and Convention Centre is operating in an increasingly productive way! Apart from our already active program, we also have opportunities to host international training!
On the second week of March a large number of delegates from the surrounding countries gathered for training funded by Fida International. This was a forum where delegates received training from experts on community development with focus on its global impact. The delegates also had opportunities to exchange ideas and experiences. Some of the issues explored were relating to environment and human trafficking. The River accommodation facility was booked to capacity and The River Team demonstrated its experience, gained over the past 4 years, in hosting and catering! Representatives from creative access countries were amongst the delegates, some outside their countries for the very first time! On leaving, all expressed their appreciation for having an opportunity to experience the sights and sounds of another country and to participate in the excellent training! One after another, the participants said that what impacted them the most was “ the HEART of The River Team!” What touched the visitors was the passionate love of these young men and women for their God and how each one so willingly lays down his/her life for the people in the communities!
This is a “privileged” life – living out the High Calling as ambassadors of the Most High Calling! The world that desperately needs to know Healing love!