We recently purchased, quite cheaply, some very old but sturdy playground equipment. Some of the boys from our team, along with some wonderful helpers from Australia, spent countless hours sanding, restoring and re assembling the playground. This process gave some of our trainees the opportunity to learn new skills in sanding, painting and seeing the importance of doing a thorough job in preparation rather than just slapping another coat of paint over the top of the existing 7 layers. The end result is fantastic. The boys are very pleased at their accomplishments and have seen the benefits of persistence.
There is of course the other benefit too, the one for which the playground was purchased and for which the boys from our team and the Aussies who assisted, put in all those hours… the children are using the equipment every day! This new playground, along with the earlier installation of the first phase of our playground development, will assist us to continue to provide a kid and family friendly safe haven for the community of Hang Dong.